Session I: Gene-Editing: Concepts, Tools and Achievements

Section: Session I
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Sunday 9:00 AM–10:35 AM
Location: Grand Ballroom A
Chair: Daniel Salamone and Paul Kordowitzki, Universidad de Buenos Aires and Friedrich-Loeffler-Insitut
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
9:00 AM
Concepts and tools for gene editing
Lluis Montoliu, National Centre for Biotechnology, Spain
9:40 AM
Gene editing in livestock
Kevin Wells, University of Missouri, USA
10:20 AM
Efficient generation of myostatin promoter mutations in bovine embryos using the CRISPR/Cas9
C. A. Pinzon*, M. Snyder, J. Pryor, B. Thompson, M. Golding, and C. Long (Abstract 207)