
Agtech Inc.
Website: http://www.agtechinc.com
Agtech Inc. is your source for the embryo transfer products you can count on for success. In all that we do, from product development to assisting with your product needs, it is the drive to build on our customer’s success that keeps us moving forward. We are driven to help our customers succeed, helping them continue to be leaders in the industry and support their goals. We take great pride in our relationship with our customers and providing them with the products, support and attention to detail that they have come to rely on.
American Embryo Transfer Association (AETA)
Website: http://www.aeta.org
The purpose of the American Embryo Transfer Association is to unite those organizations and individuals in the United States engaged in the embryo transfer industry into an affiliated federation operating under self-imposed standards of performance and conduct; -To present a unified voice of the industry to promote the mutual interests and ideals of its members; -To protect the users of the embryo transfer industry to the extent technically and ethically possible -To educate the public properly to the status and capability of the United States embryo transfer industry; and to encourage others to engage in the pursuit of this industry.
Website: http://www.boviteq.com/us-home
A world leader in developing and implementing new techniques for embryo transfer, Boviteq offers reproductive and genetic solutions to clients across North America from its world-class In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) labs in Madison, Wisconsin and Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec. Working with accredited OPU (Ovum Pick Up) centers, clients can take advantage of Boviteq's innovative reproductive technologies. “Our goal is to make available a range of options to enable breeders to optimize the reproductive career of their elite animals and manage the genetic advancement of their herds,” explains Boviteq's Director of Embryo Operations and R&D, Dr. Patrick Blondin, Ph.D. This network of accredited OPU centers and vets are part of a unique, 360º IVF embryo solution, and as a fully integrated semen and IVF embryo facility, Boviteq is one of the industry’s only true genetic solutions company.
E. I. Medical Imaging
Website: http://eimedical.com
E.I. Medical Imaging® is a world leader and the only US manufacturer of portable ultrasound solutions specifically engineered for veterinary use. For the past 33 years, the Company’s core values have remained intact: putting the customer first and delivering solid, effective ultrasound solutions. EIMI provides the Ibex® portable ultrasound systems.
ECM Echo Control Medical
Website: http://www.ecmscan.com
The company ECM has been in the field of ultrasound scanning for more than 30 years We design and produce a complete range of ultrasound systems for reproduction diagnosis and ovary exam Come and see the Exago as well as the Exapad, that can be equipped with on OPU guide and deliver an outstanding image quality for oocyte retrieval applications
ICPbio Reproduction
Website: http://www.icpbiorepro.com
ICPbio Reproduction is a global supplier of Embryo Transfer and Reproductive products including flushing and embryo handling media for the equine, bovine and ovine used by veterinarians and reproductive specialists. ICPbio Reproduction also manufactures and distributes the Ovagen™ brand FSH for super ovulation of ovine and bovine for Embryo Transfer procedures.
IMV Technologies / IMV Imaging
Website: http://www.imv-technologies.com
IMV Technologies is world leader in reproductive biotechnologies. IMV Technologies designs and develops equipment, disposable items and preservation media used in animal reproduction. Our areas of expertise include: • Semen collection and analysis • Sample preparation and dilution • Packaging and cryopreservation • Assisted insemination • Embryo transfer IMV Technologies offers a wide range of ET products including collection and freezing media; filtration devices; laboratory equipment; embryo packaging and transfer tools. Our complete range can be found at www.imv-technologies.com.
IVF Bioscience
Website: http://ivfbioscience.com/
Bringing a new approach to the animal ART market, IVF Bioscience’s new IVP media range for bovine, caprine and ovine will help to produce an increased number of higher quality embryos. Alongside our ready to use and serum free media, we aim to provide exceptional service levels to help create a more productive world. Join us on stand 12 to find out more about our IVP media line.
IVFtech ApS
Website: http://www.ivftech.dk
IVFtech is a company producing high quality, customisable equipment for IVF laboratories. The art and science of assisted reproduction often demands personalised solutions where strict considerations must be given to the culture conditions and the growth environment of gametes and embryos. Key factors for success rely on providing a steady temperature close to 37°C and secure an atmosphere with the right humidity and CO2concentration. IVFtech knows that not all laboratories are the same, that’s why IVFtech combines the bespoke nature of our products with a high quality and service level. Custom products and services are, by definition, unique.
Misawa Medical Industry Co., Ltd
Website: http://www.misawa-medical.co.jp/English/intro.html
We are one of the leading manufacturers and distributors of disposable needles and Cow Ova Vacuuming, ET products for veterinary purpose in Japan and established a worldwide reputation for our reliability and expertise developed based on experiences over half a century. Our products for veterinary purposes, Cow Ova Vacuuming needles, “mo-No.4” Embryo transfer catheter, “mo-No.5” Intra-uterine horn catheter were developed and manufactured special and innovative method. We offer these products of superior quality, all manufactured in Japan.
MOFA Global
Website: http://www.mofaglobal.com
MOFA Global is a recognized leader in the field of animal reproduction through the manufacturing and sales of a full line of products and services for advanced reproductive technologies (ART) for livestock and companion animals. Its success is tied to continual innovation and education. Since inception, MOFA has developed many products which are now considered industry standards for IVF and Embryo Transfer.
Partnar Animal Health Inc.
Website: http://www.partnaranimalhealth.com
Partnar Animal Health is pleased to present its range of embryo transfer and OPU products. We will present information on Stimufol (pFSH) and eMP3, our own range of embryo flush, hold and freeze media. For OPU, we also have the Ibex Portable Ultrasound with an OPU probe, aspiration pumps, and retrieval needles and the MicroQ controlled temperature shipping device for oocyte, embryo and fresh extended sexed semen transport.
Professional Embryo Transfer Supply Inc. (PETS)
Website: http://www.pets-inc.com/
PETS has been a world leading embryo transfer supply company in the bovine and equine industries for almost 3 decades. Our goal all this time has been your success and we work every day to achieve this with quality service and E.T. supplies from ICPbio, Vetoquinol, MAI, SPI, Wesco, NovaVive and more. Come visit with us for more details.
Rafter D Genetics
Website: http://rafterdgenetics.com/
Rafter D Genetics is a full service Embryo Transfer company offering ET Service, Training and Equipment Sales. We are a distributor for the Beltron EFT-3002 Portable Embryo Freezer and the Ramgo non-surgical Caprine AI system.