SIRT1–A possible marker for reproductive aging of in vivo-derived bovine oocytes?
Section: *Student Competition
Session: IETS Foundation Student Competition Presentation
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Sunday 2:30 PM–2:45 PM
Location: Grand Ballroom A
Session: IETS Foundation Student Competition Presentation
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Sunday 2:30 PM–2:45 PM
Location: Grand Ballroom A

SIRT1–A possible marker for reproductive aging of in vivo-derived bovine oocytes?
P. Kordowitzki, S. Klein, K.-G. Hadeler, P. Aldag, M. Nowak-Imialek, A. Lucas-Hahn, and H. Niemann (Abstract 3)
P. Kordowitzki, S. Klein, K.-G. Hadeler, P. Aldag, M. Nowak-Imialek, A. Lucas-Hahn, and H. Niemann (Abstract 3)