Testicular GnRh-II receptor knockdown impairs diurnal testosterone secretion in the boar
Section: *Student Competition
Session: IETS Foundation Student Competition Presentation
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Sunday 3:00 PM–3:15 PM
Location: Grand Ballroom A
Session: IETS Foundation Student Competition Presentation
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Sunday 3:00 PM–3:15 PM
Location: Grand Ballroom A

Testicular GnRh-II receptor knockdown impairs diurnal testosterone secretion in the boar
A. T. Desaulniers, R. A. Cederberg, C. A. Lents, and B. R. White (Abstract 5)
A. T. Desaulniers, R. A. Cederberg, C. A. Lents, and B. R. White (Abstract 5)