Survival of Holstein in vitro-produced embryos cultured in novel synthetic oviductal fluid media(SCF1) and dehydrated prior to cryopreservation
Section: Session III
Session: Session III: ART Logistic and Biosecurity for Commercial Embryo Production
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Monday 9:50 AM–10:05 AM
Location: Grand Ballroom A
Session: Session III: ART Logistic and Biosecurity for Commercial Embryo Production
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Monday 9:50 AM–10:05 AM
Location: Grand Ballroom A

Survival of Holstein in vitro-produced embryos cultured in novel synthetic oviductal fluid media(SCF1) and dehydrated prior to cryopreservation
C. M. Owen*, M. Barceló-Fimbres, J. L. Altermatt, and L. F. Campos-Chillon (Abstract 45)
C. M. Owen*, M. Barceló-Fimbres, J. L. Altermatt, and L. F. Campos-Chillon (Abstract 45)