Improvement of an in vitro canine oocyte maturation by oviductal secretome
Section: Session V
Session: Session V: Embryo Communications: Who is Talking to Whom?
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Tuesday 9:20 AM–9:35 AM
Location: Grand Ballroom A
Session: Session V: Embryo Communications: Who is Talking to Whom?
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Tuesday 9:20 AM–9:35 AM
Location: Grand Ballroom A

Improvement of an in vitro canine oocyte maturation by oviductal secretome
A. Lange-Consiglio*, C. Perrini, P. Esposti, and F. Cremonesi (Abstract 188)
A. Lange-Consiglio*, C. Perrini, P. Esposti, and F. Cremonesi (Abstract 188)